The age is betrayed by the appearance of the neck, something that the queen of Egypt Nefertiti already knew thousands of years ago. The Hollywood Treatment "Nefertiti" Neck , honorably attributed to this reason. The new aesthetic trend is aimed at preventing - treating the relaxation of the important muscle "Platysma" in the neck which is responsible for the "falling" reason of gravity.
How is it treated?
Depending on the circumstance, age and indications, a special anti-aging neck protocol such as :
Botox Nefertiti
Neck Mesobotox advanced Neck lifting
Skinboosters deep hydration
Mesotherapies advanced lifting
Multipopular RF radio frequencies clamping
PDRN (polynucleotides DNA repairing)
Exosomes stem cells plant derived Mesotherapy
Multi-award winning CE, FDA Dermalux MD phototherapy
Edge One Fractional laser, CE, FDA
H.I.F.U smas focus ultra sound
Dermapen Microneedling with Mesotherapy tightening cocktail etc.
Advanced bio-renewal peelings
Βιοδιεγέρτες Κολλαγόνου ελαστίνης
PDO νύμματα μόνα ή σε συνδιασμό με PRP platelet rich plasma – θεραπεία με αυτόλογα βλαστοκύτταρα από το “αίμα” μας κ.α.
Τα πρωτόκολλα εξατομικεύονται ανάλογα το περιστατικό, το βαθμό φωτογήρανσης, αφυδάτωσης, ηλικία και τις προσδοκίες βελτίωσης.