Fagron NutriGen and Nutrition Genetics

 Weight regulation is a complex process and depends on several factors. Being overweight and obese can increase the risk of many diseases and health problems including diabetes, heart disease and certain cancers. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are the most common type of DNA variation in humans. The characterisation of certain SNPs can help predict the risk of developing certain diseases and an individual's response to certain foods and drugs. Nutrigenetics studies the various responses of the body (such as weight, blood pressure, plasma cholesterol or glucose levels) to a particular type of diet (low-fat or Mediterranean diets), depending on the genetic profile of the individual. A personalised diet is a dietary recommendation tailored to the health condition, lifestyle and genetics, using information obtained from nutrigenetics. Fagron NutriGen is an innovative genetic test that offers personalized weight loss planning.

The most complete nutritional analysis on the market.

384 genetic variants associated with weight loss, exercise response, intolerances and nutrient metabolism are analysed.

Personalised programme nutrition.

A proposed personalised diet plan is generated by a complex algorithm and includes more than 850 foods.

An exclusive tool for for health professionals.

Fagron NutriGen™ is a unique tool that reveals the patient's nutritional metabolism and is available to the patient exclusively through healthcare professionals.

Last word of technology.

Genetic test based on DNA microarray technology. It is characterized by reproducibility and 99% efficiency in genetic identification.

What is being assessed?

Fagron NutriGen analyses both genetic factors and other relevant characteristics - exogenous factors - obtained through the patient's history. This process provides a complete understanding of all factors associated with weight gain.

It analyses 3 polymorphisms within 128 SNPs, resulting in the analysis of 384 genetic variants - the most relevant variants when personalising a diet plan, but also the patient's history including biochemical parameters, diseases, intolerances, physical activity and habits.

What does Fagron NutriGen analyse?

The genetic variants analysed with Fagron NutriGen are associated with 15 different main categories.

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